The Illumination Conspiracy - Christian Illumination: The New Religion
Christian Illumination - The New Religion
The Illumination Conspiracy contains information regarding a new religion that may hold the perfect formula for cutting abrhamists free of their chains. This religion will be known as Christian Illumination.
Over the last few weeks we have been trying to form a new religion that will free abrehamists from thier chains of the demiurge. This religion will be known as Christian Illumination. This will be a religion where ''Christ'' is referred to the Magus, the agent of Abraxas, rather than to the Jewish carpenter Yehoshua ben Yosef, archon of the Demiurge. Simon Magus delivered the true gospel - that we can all be Christs, and part of a glorious community of gods. This religion will utilize most of the ancient texts of gnostism as the gospal of Christian Illumination (The true Ancient Bible)
The gnostic texts of Christian Illumination will be the very gospel of Abraxas that Simon Magus tried to deliver, in order to bring about a new enlightened age in humanity. The Illuminati would have no difficulty in describing themselves as Christians if "Christ" referred to the Magus. Christian Illumination is a religion where everyone can become ''Christ'' (Gods and Godesses). There is no divine savour massiah coming to save us. The only ones who can save us is ourselves. This is the main gospel of Christian Illumination.
The gnostic texts of christian Illumination shall also discuss human origin as well as the Achrons and the Phosters. The Achrons are the malevolent creators of humanity who originally created the Old World Order. The aim of the Achrons was (and still is) to enslave humanity and have them work as slaves for them as well as the Old World Order. As for the Phosters they are a benevolent creators of humanity, originally creating the Illuminati. Their aim was (and still is) to help guide humanity to their true potential in hopes of humanity advancing to the stars. As the benevolent guides of humanity the Phosters created the Ancient Illuminati to drive humanity forward into the correct direction. The Phosters guided the Illuminati, however they did not place a whole plate of knowledge on a silver platter for them. The Ancient Illuminati had to find the answers for themselves, just as the rest of humanity must do.
These and many other topics would be discussed further in the gospel of Christian Illumination. The gospel of Christian Illumination will not be one based on obedience such as the evil bible, Quran, and Hebrew Bible. The gospel of Christian Illumination will discuss, philosophical, religious, and scientific view regarding the Illuminati, Pythagorean Illumination, mathematics, and other content. It should be considered that
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The gnostic texts of Christian Illumination will not be preached by any preachers rambling regarding the scriptures. Preachers make people fall asleep as well as uninterested in the material. We will encourage everyone in this religion to read the scriptures on their own accordance. Instead of having the gospel read in churches mainly, people will be free to read the secret scriptures on their on time in any location they would prefer. The gospel will not have any made up fairy tales in it just as the bible, Quran, and Hebrew Bible do. The secret scriptures will discuss accurate information regarding the unconscious mind, the holy grail, conscousness, subconsciousness, phychic abilities and so forth.
In Christian Illumination everyone will be raised up to their hieghest potential rather then being held back by previous religions. Everyone can aspire towards the hieghest hieghts of achievement to the point where their dialect evolves and they become ''Christ''. Christian Illumination rejects the false prophets and everyone who says that we, the human race, are anything other than gods in the making. We do not need to worship anyone because we are all blessed. The Divine Spark is within us all. It's time to make that infinitely precious spark burn bright. Physics tells us that we are made of stardust. Now it's time for us to shine like the stars, illuminating the entire cosmos.
Christian Illumination will be the religion that will release Christians from the demiurge religions that conventionally ''convert'' (Brainwash) others into worshipping the Christ of Hell rather then aspiring humanity to become the Christs of heaven. We shall be writting some new novels of regarding the gospel of Christian Illumination. They will be the very first novels ever to be published by the Ancient Order of The Illuminated Knights. These gospels will be luxuriant in number and will begin as online ebooks sold on This religion will emancipate (free) humainity's devine spark. The Divine Spark is within us all we can unlock it by rendering our unconscious mind conscious.
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The new christian religion will replace abrehamism in every regard, including scriptures, mind-set, morals, and so forth. Christian Illumination is a sub-set of Illuminism (Ancient Religion of the Phosters). As such this renders Christian Illumination to be one of the worlds rational religions. We shall be producing novels in about 5 years time. We are hoping that you as well as former abrhamists will join our new religion. It is time to become the blessed Christs that we were meant to become. It is time to become God and aspire to our maximum potential.