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The Illumination Conspiracy - What Is God?
What is God? The Illumination Conspiracy shall explain what the true nature of God is and how he relates to evolution. In this article of The Illumination Conspiracy we shall also discuss the inner workings of the universe and how to become God.
There are two definitions of God - based on the perspective of religions. There is the God of Being (which abrehamists worship and believe is ''God'' - Absolute, exists without need of the cosmos) and there is the God of Becoming (which Illuminists believe to be the true God - God of reason - The ultimate evolutionary potential of the universe, exists within the cosmos).
The God Of Being:
Believers in a God of Being are making the claim that God existed prior to the universe, that he has always existed and that he created the universe out of nothing. This God has no need for the cosmos, since he is creator of the cosmos and can exist outside of the cosmos. Therefore this definition of God means that no one can ask who or what made God, how he came into being, what substance he is made of, what are his origins, how he developed intelligence, why he felt the need to create the world. If he is a psychological - spiritual being, then why did he create the matter? If he created all things, why did he create evil? The advocates of this God want to shut down debate, however despite their efforts they cannot escape these logical questions.
They can never be credibly answered because the reality is that there is no such thing as the God of being. There is no logical stance for the God of being to exist. For millennia, billions of people have worshipped a non-existent divinity, a God who cannot have the qualities claimed for him. That is humanity's supreme tragedy.
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The God Of Becoming:
The God of Becoming on the other hand has a more rational and logical stance. He is entirely different from the God of Being. He did not introduce the universe. The universe introduces all things. The universe is eternal, there is no beginning, no end, it is absolute. God however did have a beginning He did not create the universe. The universe created him. His consciousness, his intelligence, his power: They are all the fabrication of the evolution. The God of becoming evolves from and immature state - Physical entity - into a God -state or God - mode.
Therefore God is the ultimate evolution of which the universe is capable. Any atheist who accepts Darwin's theory of evolution can accept the existence of the God of Becoming because God is nothing other than the final outcome of evolution. He is foundated by science and logic, not faith. However the tragedy of atheists is that they are so disgusted by the lack of logic presented by the God of being that they no longer support any notions that any divine being exists in the cosmos.
The True nature of God:
God is not external to the universe; he is the fulfilment of the universe's evolution. He is not the creator of the universe; he is its highest creation. He is the supreme work of art of the cosmos. He is not beyond the universe, he is the universe, and yet greater than the sum of its parts. He transcends the universe that gave birth to him. God is like the maturing child. For eons, he was unconscious, incapable of recognizing himself. It is only when the dialectic had unfolded sufficiently was he able to see and comprehend his own reflection in the mirror of existence that he himself had created for the purpose. This is the very essence of God. The very essence of the Universe - the absolutum.
What are the prerequisites of God? Is it Surpassing intelligence?, Godlike Powers?, Ability to manipulate the physical world?, Transcending Death?, Ability to engage in astonishing acts of cosmic creativity? The God of Becoming possess all of these qualities. The Illumination Conspiracy will now go into further detail.
Abraxas, God of Becoming - The God of the Pythagorean Illuminati might be referred to by some people as merely some sort of super-being or super-intelligence rather than a true God. Yet the God of Becoming is the supreme expression of the potential of existence. There is no force that can transcend him, except the act upon his own will.
Made in His Image:
Ultimately we are made in the image of Abraxas - God of Becoming. We are creatures of evolution are created to strive on the same trajectory as Abraxas himself, however it is at a much earlier point. Therefore it can be concluded that we our evolution can rise to divine heights of achievement.
Imagine the earth of billions of years ago: a storm-tossed, primordial chemical soup rent by livid lightning strikes; vast sulphurous clouds, erupting volcanoes, frothing seas; endless tumult and chaos. Look at our planet now. Billions, perhaps trillions, of living forms populate earth's flourishing biosphere. There are six and half billion intelligent human beings. If humans originated from the chemical soup then it can be concluded, within that soup were Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Nietzsche, Jefferson, Shakespeare, Tesla, and all great scientists, philosophers, inventors, artists, geniuses and leaders of history.
The earth evolved and itself into the near-perfect biosphere. It is considered to be the sapphire of our solar system. However the process is still not complete yet. The Earth still has yet to evolve into it's actualized state, as well as the rest of the universe. The Earth, the stars, solar systems, galaxies, and the entire universe will evolve into the omega point - the point where everything reaches it's perfect hyper-state - God.
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Path Toward Actualization:
There are three paths to evolution.
1.) Artificial evolution - Anti -thesis 2.) Natural Evolution - Thesis 3.) Symbiotic Evolution - The merging of artificial and natural evolution - Synthesis The symbiotic relationship between nature and artificial evolution has to maintain a perfect balance in order to co-exist and evolve towards the Omega point - Actualized state where everything is evolved to maximum potential. That is one of the secrets of evolution, it is this symbiotic relationship that will lead us towards actualization. However one cannot be dominant then the other.
We can utilize artificial technology in order to advance us and the universe to it' maximum potential at a more rapid rate. However not only must our mind -sets be prepared, but we must not manipulate the technology in order to intentionally harm others - unless we are using it has a defense mechanism - no pun intended. That is the very essence of Evolution - Symbiotic evolution.
The universe can carry out similar exercises to what has happened on earth, but on a grand universal scale. The universe has astounding potential, all the potential in existence - evolution. Given an eternity it isn't just certain that the universe will achieve actualization, it is inevitable. The God of Becoming is that flawless expression. Abraxas is as astonishing as the God of Being, and yet unlike the God of being, Abraxas is actually exist based on a logical foundation - Pythagorean Illumination.
As discussed on the Illumination Conspiracy. Mathematics provides the evidence required to prove the existence of Abraxas. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection only provides further evidence of Abraxas. It clarifies that things are evolving, therefore it is evident that evolution can reach a perfect potential - God. Darwin's theory as well as material science provides logical evidence for the existence of God - Abraxas.
As said in a previous article of The Illumination Conspiracy. Pythagorean Illumination - The world's only rational religion provides the complete evidence for the existence of abraxas it combines three logical key aspects that are the bases:
1.) Entelechy: A German biologist and philosopher was most noted for his early experimental work in embryology and for his neo-vitalist philosophy of entelechy. Entelechy describes a life force that, in organic systems, guide the acquirement of their individual goals. Driesch comprehended this force as psychoid ("mind-like"): It exist on in the pyschocosmos (r = 0 universe) - Thus it is non-spatial, and yet is surveyable. In Driesch's book, "Creative Evolution". There is a proposed vital force that animates life and fundamentally connects mind and body. Julian Huxley said, "Evolution is nothing but matter become conscious of itself."
2.) Teleology: The universe is teleological: it has a purpose. That purpose is to aim to it's perfect state. It it the perfect manifestation of the ''Absolutum'' - the Omega point. Many evolutionists deny teleology. They say existence has no purpose. But in terms of an infinite and eternal system (the universe), with infinite levels of evolution being performed within it, the inevitable result must be the highest perfection of evolution - The Omega point - where everything reaches perfection and is actualized.
Teleology is at the core of the universe. In truth, the universe has always had a purpose, and that purpose was to create the maximum degree of intelligence, self-awareness and freedom. The God of Becoming - Abraxas, possesses those qualities.
3.) Evolution: Evolution will, via natural selection, keep generating new life forms, and if those new life forms have no intelligence and no purpose then natural selection will simply keep generating more complex lifeforms until they become highly intelligent and transcend their natural limitations, via symbiotic evolution. In truth all lifeforms in the universe possess this ability to form symbiotic relationships between technology and organics.
4.) The dialectic: The Dialectic is the development through the stages of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism, it is also the Hegelian process of change in which a concept or its realization passes over into and is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite; also : the critical investigation of this process.
Pythagorean Illumination is a combination of these four ideals, with the God of becoming representing their logical conclusions. The Illumination Conspiracy shall delve further into Pythagorean Illumination.
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