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The Illumination Conspiracy - Pythagorean Illumination:  Metamorphing into God

Transcending Into A God

Illumination Conspiracy

​The Illumination Conspiracy - Metamorphosing Into A God


In this article of the Illumination Conspiracy we shall discuss God, the core points of Pythagorean Illumination, the teachings of the Illuminati, actualization and the Illumination of the divine spark.

What is God? God is nothing more then the full evolution, the full potential yet to be unlocked within humanity. God is the ''holy grail''. We can become God, the true God known as Abraxas. Abraxas does not want slavish worship (as seen in Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Abraxas simply wants companions it yerns to have those on equal plains with it. God is not a tyrant. God is a mentor that helps vanguard us towards true perfection (In alchemical terms that is gold). God will help us transform from lead into gold.​


In Pythagorean Illumination you can aspire towards the highest potential through gaining knowledge (God). God is the grail of knowledge. God is inevitable, it is what we all aspire to become. In Pythagorean Illumination seekers of the grail seek to become God and liberate the devine spark within you. The Illuminati seek to make the unconscious conscious. In essence to metamorph into God. The probability of becoming God is only open to those who choose to strive on the path of Pythagorean Illumination.​


Illumination - Ultimate Gnosis -reveals the true nature of Abraxas and explains the accurrate nature of the test he has set for all of us. Illumination teaches us that the dialect slowly unfolds as it becomes purer and purer, more and more refined. God is the dialect at it's highest potential as well as intuitive thinking at it's highest potential. This revealation as unforseen consequences. The main outcome of the universe is not settled, it is not some prededermined fate as material science claims. The universe is becoming, it is striving to evolve into the absolutum.  We will all free and contributing to the evolving dialectic, and our every action, our every choice, and our every thought affects how the dailect unfolds.​

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''Virtual'' is the adjetive favoured by the ancient Illuminists. The ocean of becoming is virtual It is only from virual existance that the true reality can be unvailed. Nothing in this reality is quite real nor is it quite solid. Everything is merely a holographic representation of the reality. Virtual existence is the inevitable precursor of actual existence. Reality is the very thing that appears when the virtual has endured far beyond it's normal existance. The very essence of becoming is for the virtual to have a tendancy to become reality.​


Things are striving to become real, competing to become actualized. They are trying to realize everything that their potential permits. This is the law of becoming. Becoming may be considered to be the very force (god force) that is constantly tranforming simple things into more complex things until they reach thier actualization, maximising their latent potentialities and possibilities. That is the god force. The force of becoming constantly shapes things until they reach the omega point of actualization. This is the alchemy, the transmutation from one thing to another it is evoluation, it is the God force.​


The law of being, on the other hand denies the virtual. It states that being material (solid, measurable matter) exists and is eternal. Otherwise being would have emerged from nothing, such a thing is an impossibility. Although it is possible that simple forms introduce complex forms, this priciple is and never will be the other way around. The believers of the law of being see ''God'' as being  - the most complex being conceivable - their starting point. The God of Being stands in direct contridiction to the Theory of Evolution. No one can ever believe in both.​


Pythagorean Illumination teaches that God is not the creator of the universe, but is rather a creation of the universe. God is the telos - the ultimate object of aim - the becoming universe. All of the astonishing conclusions of Illumination flow from this single truth. God is becoming and is inevitable. Pythagorean Illumination denies that pure nothing cannot exist. There is no such thing as pure nothing. Illumination also denies the priciple of pure ''being'' - the principle that states the virtual is non existant and being material has and always will exist - the universe is not that of material nature, it is that of virual nature, it constantly strives to become actualized into it;s perfect form the absolutum. The universe has and is always becoming, it is an eternal conglomeration of wholeness ans nothingness - dialect. It is about death, rebirth,it is the endless cycle of death and rebirth. Just as the phoenix rises from it's own ashes, the universe rebuilds itself until it has been rendered absolute. The universe itself is in a perminate state of flux, consistantly dying and being reborn. It is an infinate ocean of activity and probability. Quantum mechanics is acknowledgable with the tachings of Pythagorean Illumination, due to quantum mechanics importance on probability as opposed to derterminationism.​

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While common physics dissertates (talks) about vacuums - the closest we can get to nothingness - they refer to a turbulent quantum foam of virtual particles. These particles are bubbles, they are the seed to everything in the universe. The great Illuminist Leibniz declared this conclusion centuries before modern physics came into existance. This quantum foam is what underlines all things. As a response from the religions of Being - Christianity, Judaism and Islam - to quantum physics; it is merely silence. Only Pythagorean Illumination - the religion of becoming - is compatible with quantum reality and vise versa.​

It is not that science and religion are not compatible with this principle, it is rather that they are incomplete - a subset of Pythagorean Illumination. Science should be unvailing what some religions (mainly the ancient religious philosophies that predate abrehamic beliefs) declared to be true. However it is only when religion relies on ''faith'' that it will be refuted an vise versa. Such an example of this was when  religious fanatics declare a genius like Galileo to be a heretic because he observed that the earth orbited the sun rather than vice versa. Is that not an insane thing to say? Honestly what they should have done was congratulate the man on his extraordinary work. ​

Such examples have happend ever since the abrehamic beliefs came into existance. It is time to end the absurd beliefs of the abrehamic faiths and join the greatest voyage of your life - the grail quest - by subscribing to Pythagorean Illumination you are on your voyage to becoming God in your own accordance. The God force is calling to you yerning for you to evolve to your highest possible potential - God. It is time to become the Gods and Godesses that we have been aspiring to become.

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