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The Illumination Conspiracy -''The modus operandi of the Old World Order..''

The  Old World Order - The Invisible Hand

In this article of The Illumination Conspiracy we shall discuss the Old World Order, the ones that many conspiracy theorists refer to as ''The Illuminati'', when they are really known as The Global Elite - Old World Order.

                                              The Old World Order

The Old World Order are the puppetmasters behind the scenes conrtolling the world. They have created the corrupt world that we currently know. The Old world Order of comprised of the super rich, top politicians, top military, top police, top media monguls, religious leaders, bosses of intelligence services, top bankers, leading entrepreneurs, and super celebrities.

The members of the Old World Order are:

Nobility: the royal and aristocratic houses of the United Kingdom and Europe.

Family Dynasties: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Reynolds, Van Duyn, Li, Bush, Onassis, Brzezinski, Kissinger, Kennedy, Murdoch, Ackermann, Russel, Trump, Buffet, Sorros, McDonald, Merkel, Sarkozy, Bernanke, Greenspan, Gore, Clinton etc.

The following organizations serve the Old World Order: modern Freemasons (with a handful of notable exceptions who have retained the values of the original Freemasons), the Priesthood of AMEN, the Brotherhood of the Shadows, Skull and Bones, the Bullingdon Club, the Thule and Vril Societies, Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, B'nai B'rith, UNO, and NATO. There are many others - poodle organisations, bought and sold by their masters.

These groups manipulate politics, the economy, education, the media, the law, public perception. They control our psychology. They make us buy into their "vision".

For many centuries the Illuminati have persicuted by conspiracy theorists and Old World Order stooges of being the evil puppetmasters. That is absolutely absurd. The Illuminati are in no way in leage with the people who want world domination, nor are they the ones that desire control of the world.

The Illuminati want to overthrow the OWO and to replace it with a meritocratic New World Order. That is the Illuminati's main goal.

As for the Old World Order thier goals is quite simple. It is to gain power and and how to maintain it. They plan to establish a perminate ruling class elite and to get rid of the middle man. The Old World Order is all about establishing a permanent patrician class. It looks to the mediaeval concept of the monarch appointed by 'divine right' and able to pass the crown down the family line forever. (A perminate dynisty of the Old World Order)

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The Old World Order have maintained power over the world for millenia; responsible for all the wars and violence in human history the Old World Order have maintained their power. They maintained this power by phychological manipulation of humanity as well as violence and brutality. For many millenia they used violence, manipulation and brutality to work their way up to the top. However it was only during the latter half of the twentieth century that the Old World Order realized that phycological manipulation would suffice. The Old World Order have come up with quite a brilliant formula for manipulating the masses (Suckers as they refer to them). They have gotten thier main example of strategies from ancient rome.

The ordinary citizens of ancient Rome were unacknowledged and had little to occupy them. Some were shopkeepers, some were artisans, some were bodyguards, minor officials, and so on. Many didn't have meaningful jobs since the slaves performed most of the basic tasks. Hence arose the Roman policy of panem et circenses - "bread and circuses". As long as the Senate could feed the masses and keep them entertained, the Roman "mob" was reasonably easy to control.

Now the Elite have TV, cinema, video games, iPhones, iPads, iTunes to keep the masses entertained and preoccupied, and junk food to keep them bloated and immobile. The "mob" has never been so easy to control, and they actually pay the Elite for the privilege of being controlled. It's "The Perfect Game".

They also utilize De-mock-racy,  Free market capitalism, Psychology, Junk food and TV (bread and circuses), Religion, and Law. (The "law" is a playground for gangsters. Its purpose is to protect the interests of the elite. The last thing it serves is justice. Ordinary people don't stand a chance. Everything is rigged.

This is the type of manipulation that they have come up with and it actually works. This tactic worked for over a millenium and still works to this very day. Many conspiracy thoerists say that the ''Illuminati'' (Old World Order) are planning to create a super socialist state or a communist state. However that is conrtidictive to the Old World Order's agenda the O.W.O are opposed to socialism.

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You have to ask yourselves this simple question: since when have socialists been fellow travellers with monarchs, dynastic families and international bankers? Socialism and communism are the polar opposites of right wing capitalism and royalty. The global power elite of the Old World Order despise socialism and communism. Capitalism - the grossly unequal division of money and resources - is the bedrock of their power. But they have learned that when they overreach themselves, they court disaster - as shown by the French and Russian Revolutions. So, they used their intelligence and power and created the "middle class" - their buffer between the working man and their own power elite. The workers aspire to be middle class and the middle class aspire to join the power elite.

Capitalism requires zombified consumers in shopping malls, sedated by junk entertainment, in the thrall of celebrities. The idea that the arch capitalists of the global power elite would kill consumers and build concentration camps for the survivors is mad. Would Microsoft prosper by killing computer users? It's an insane thesis. The power elite want you to consume, not to think, not to rebel against your zombie state that they have created for you. Wake up!!!!!

It is often claimed that neocons, Freemasons, various powerful secret societies etc are conspiring to create a New World Order - a one-world oppressive government, supposedly. In fact the groups mentioned constitute the Old World Order and their agenda is to keep extending their existing political and economic model that has served them so well for so long. There is absolutely nothing new about it. "Globalisation" is their key word. That is their code for complete OWO control of the world. When British Prime Minister Gordon Brown talks of "the birth pangs of a new global order," he is referring to the political and economic domination of the whole world by the OWO. Wake Up!!!!

In order to defeat the old world order a meritocratic capitalists government system will have to be in place along with a few reboot laws:

1) The Wealth Reboot Law

2)  The No-Brainwashing (Mental Reboot) Law

3)  The Dialectical Reboot Law

It is time that we implement a mertitocratic government and end priviledge. It is time that we create a brighter new world in which everyone can have a fair oppertunity. It is time to join the meritocratic world order.

The Old World Order Romans?

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