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The Illumination Conspiracy - Meritocracy
The Meritocratic Republic - The political wing of the New World Order
Defining Meritocracy:
What is meritocracy per say? The basic answer to this question is presented in the dictionary. Noun: Government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability. A society governed by such people.
That is meritocracy in it's most basic description. To go into further detail with this topic, meritocracy is a system based on merit (something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality, act, etc.). In this system the heigest rewards go to the heighest achievers, the ones ahe deserve the gold medels because they are the fastest runners in the race of life (The most meritorious individuals). A propery society should be run by highly intelligent individuals.
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