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The Illumination Conspiracy -The Greek Pythagorean  Illuminati 

The Ancient Order of The Illuminati

The Pathagorean Illuminati​

Who are the illuminati exactly? Are they ''evil''? Or are they really good? Lets begin this discussion with the original definition of the word Illuminati. Illuminati is a simple word. It has its basis in Lumin, which is another word for Light. Illuminate is a similar word, one quite familiar, meaning to create light. Illuminati is a group of people who create light, in the sense of the word with its most related word. Those who create light are the Illuminati. Illuminati = those who create light through knowledge.​

Now lets add the word Pythagorean to this this equation shall we? The word Pythagorean refers to those or somthing of or relating to Pythagoras or his geometry; "Pythagorean philosophy"; "Pythagorean theorem".  Now lets add these this word to the equation.​

Illuminati + Pythagorean = Pythagorean Illuminati; Pythagorean Illuminati = Those who create light through pythagorus's knowledge and understanding regarding the universe. Now that we are well acquainted with this term lets discuss this subject even further. When used in the context of creating light, in a verb sense, it is "To Illuminate." Those who illuminate are teachers, scientists, artists, and certain members of the moremystical societies that currently exist on this world.​

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When used in the context of creating light, in a verb sense, it is "To Illuminate." Those who illuminate are teachers, scientists, artists, and certain members of the moremystical societies that currently exist on this world.Teachers create light by demonstrating the use of facts and methods needed in human reasoning. Scientists create illumination through discovery and show how they got there so that others can climb that same peak. Artists paint or draw a bit of reality or unreality with interpretation of their own minds and souls imprinted into the work created. Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali are two excellent examples of what an Illuminati artist might create. I will not say with certainty that these two are Illuminati painters, I will let those who observe their art to decide.​

Now considering the the Pythagorean illuminati are those who create illumination using pythagorus's knowledge regarding the universe, it is safe to presume that the Pythagorean illuminati are greek and originated from ancient greece. Considering that the Pythagorean illuminati are greek tells me that certain members of the Pythagorean illuminati have been introduced to ancient greek knowledge, specifically knowledge regarding Pythagorus and his techings regarding the universe, mathematics, philosophy, et cetera.


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The Pythagorean Illuminati believe a religion known as pythagorean illumination. What is pythagorean illumination? It is the religion in which everyone can become god through a process known as self enlightenmnet ( self illumination through facing your own soul and bettering youself through gaining knowledge of the universe ).  Since pythagorus's knowledge regarding the universe as well as many other greek philosophers is correct and far ahead of it's time, then you can gain true knowledge through the studying of ancient greek philosophers as well as pythagoreans.​

In Pythagorean illumination we are all capible of becoming gods and godesses through self enlightenmnet. This religion is truly rational and uses a combination of science, philosiphy ( mainly greek; that of pythagorus ), complete universal mathematics, sacred geometry, et cetera.​

Science is regarded as the main answer to quite a substantial amount of unvailing the knowledge regarding the universe. However modern science cannot answer all of the questions due to science mainly ignoring three very significant numbers in the universe ( zero ''0'', infinity  ''∞'' , and the imaginary number ''i'' ). These numbers are essential for learning more about the universe and for finding the answers to the ''big questions''.​

Science simply ignores complete mathematics and therefore cannot concieve a GUT ( Grand Unified Theory ) of the universe. Illumination has come up with the GUT do to it's more thorough viewing of mathematics. The GUT that illumination has concluded is that everything in the universe is mathematical. This is what Pythagorus said; he claimed that the universe was made of numbers. Therefore the foundation of the universe is mathematics, this is the GUT the science could never achieve, this renders science as an incomplete, and a subset of Pythagorean Illumination.


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Pythagorean Illumination is the world's only rational religion that uses reason rather then faith in order to answer questions. This religion is meant to enlighten humanity with the knowledge of the universe that was hidden for so long. Therefore the Pythagorean illuminati are ''light bearers'', they are the light of humanity, they are the hereos and good guys. The mystical societies are pretty blatant about saying if they are Illuminati or not.The Illuminati are the oldest group who seek to provide a beacon of freedom and hope to the rest of humanity.The Illuminati, therefore, are the good guys, the people that want civilization to advance, the ones who promote an existence with nature rather than against it. They are the teachers who actually make a student learn, and the scientist who stretches reality's edge a little with each discovery.


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The motive behind the Illuminati is to create and bring knowledge to the collective of human existence, even if they're not paid or not paid well. The Illuminati do so because they are driven to do this, and this is the difference between the Illuminati and the enemies of the Illuminati.The Illuminati’s aim as it has always been is to overthrow the Global Elite and the Old World Order, and to create a New Meritocratic World Order based on equal opportunities, Social capitalism, a new education system, a new psychology, a new education system, a new global religion (Pythagorean Illumination), and a new global radicalism., in short a New World Order.​

There is no way to destroy or eliminate the Illuminati from the human race. There will always be a fellow with a charcoal stick and a limestone wall to scrawl so much as his name on it. There will always be the artist. There's always going to be the guy who picks up two sticks and dances around a fire. If he doesn't chant something, someone else will. Facts and knowledge will always be present in the human community, and they will adjust themselves to reality as we perceive them to be. The Illuminati will live on, as they have from time immemorial to the end of our race.


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The enemies of the Illuminati are those forces that work against what the illuminati are trying to establish, these forces consist of the fallowing forces in the paragraph below.​
These are the huge corporations, the secret government organizations, the covert operations in the middle of the night, hushed deals behind closed doors, clandestine spy activities, plans to destroy a certain area of land for the oil beneath it or some other mineral, and anything of this sort. It is the work of huge religious organizations that claim they're trying to be generous and charitable, when in fact they're really only destroying a way of life, killing a 'lesser race' in the name of God, and causing a terrible population explosion that the planet can't handle.​

The huge religious organization is against science and facts, it's against nature and human nature, and has caused the biggest psychological damage the human race has ever known. The motive for the operation of an enemy of the Illuminati is money. Their driving force is greed.​
The enemies of the illuminati are known as the Old World Order.


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So in conclusion the Pythagorean illuminati are the good guys who will enlighten humanity. As for us we are only considered to be illuminati. Illuminati = those who create light through knowledge.  Pythagorean Illuminati = Those who create light through pythagorus's knowledge and understanding regarding the universe. The pythagorean illuminati as well as illuminati > Old World Order. Therefore they can defeat the Old World Order. We shall defeat them. This is the enlightenmnet war. Are you prepared to fight in the name of the light?

Greek Pythagoreans and mystics.

We are all familiar with who Pythagorus is and what he has done. However what we are unaware of are the other pythagoreans and mystics of ancient Greece. I shall be discussing them in the fallowing paragraphs below. However before I proceed, I will be discussing Pythagorus first and then slowly move on towards discussing other pythagoreans and mystics of ancient Greece.​

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The life and philosophy of Pythagorus

Who was Pythagorus? Why his he so significant? These questions shall be answered in the unveiling of the life and philosophy of Pythagorus. Pythagorus was born in 570 BC. During his youth, Pythagoras was a disciple of Pherecydes and Hermodamas, and while in his teens became renowned for the clarity of his philosophic concepts. In height he exceeded six feet; his body was as perfectly formed as that of Apollo.


Pythagoras was the personification of majesty and power, and in his presence a felt humble and afraid. As he grew older, his physical power increased rather than waned, so that as he approached the century mark he was actually in the prime of life. The influence of this great soul over those about him was such that a word of praise from Pythagoras filled his disciples with ecstasy, while one committed suicide because the Master became momentarily irritate over something he had dome. Pythagoras was so impressed by this tragedy that he never again spoke unkindly to or about anyone.

When Pythagoras was about 18 years old, he went to the island of Lesbos. There, he worked and learned from Anaximander, an astronomer and philosopher, and Thales of Miletus, a very wise philosopher and mathematician. His first teacher was Pherecydes, and Pythagoras stayed in touch with him until the latter's death.


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Father Of Numbers


Pythagoras was known as "The Father of numbers". He made significant contributions to philosophy and religious teaching, in the late 6th century BC. He even believed that everything was related to mathematics, and could be predicted and measured in rhythmic patterns or cycles. Pythagoras also went to Sidon, where he was initiated into the Mysteries of Tyre and Byblos. Then, he proceeded to egypt. There, he put himself under the instruction of the teachers of Thales. He spent the next twenty-two years perfecting mathematics, astronomy and music, and was finally initiated into the egyptian Mysteries.​

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The Indian Sojourn​

When Cambyses invaded Egypt, he made Pythagoras his prisoner and sent him to Babylon. Pythagoras utilized the next twelve years in studying with the Magi and was initiated into the Chaldean Mysteries. Leaving Babylon, he made his way through Persia, into India, where he continued his education under the Brachmanes and imbibed the wisdom of the east at its original source. Although Pythagoras went to India as a student, he left it as a Teacher. even to this day, he is known in that country as Yavanacharya, the "Ionian Teacher". From India, he went to Europe, more precisely Crotona.


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Journey to Europe

After he arrived in Crotona, Pythagoras gave a lecture to a group of young men. A few days later Pythagoras was invited to speak before the Senate of Crotona. There, he advised the Senators to build a Temple to the Muses, whose harmony and interdependence were to constantly remind them of the primary virtues necessary for a good government and acquire the philosophical knowledge necessary for good citizenship.​

Pythagoras was allowed to build an Institute in Crotona, to serve the several purposes of a school of philosophy and moral training, an academy of science, and a small model city. There was no private property. Brotherly cooperation was emphasised. During the first eight years of probation, the students were known as exoterics. Those who entered the higher sections were known as esoterics. This school was notably the school of the Pythagorean Illuminati.


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The death of Pythagorus and the death of the original illuminati.

Pythagorus had directed the illuminati in secrecy so that no one would notice him. Only those who had graduated to the mystery degrees of the Pythagorean school were admitted into his presence. Those who had attained the mystery grades, the inner circle, were called mathematikoi - the mathematicians - while the outer circle were called the akousmatikoi ("listeners").​

Pythagoras developed a secret coded language that only members of the Pythagorean Illuminati could read. This coded language is still in use today by the Pythagorean Illuminati. Pythagorus also developed elaberate number codes and symbolic messages. Compasses and set squares, tools of mathematics, were given high prominence as symbols ( As seen in freemasonry ). The Illuminati formally created Freemasonry millennia later, based on these original Pythagorean innovations. His students considered Pythagoras supernatural and a demigod. They said, "There are in the universe men and gods and beings like Pythagoras."


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The Italian city of Sybaris, ( an ancient Greek city in southern Italy situated on the Gulf of Tarentum, near present Corigliano, Italy, known for its wealth and the luxury of its inhabitants ) was legendary for the opulence and luxury enjoyed by its citizens. This city was of course one of the ancient cities of the Old World Order.

Pythagoras condemned it as a lazy, corrupt, materialistic society, heedless of the poor, dedicated to making money and contemptuous of philosophy and ideas. The Crotons, rivals of Sybaris, attacked it and destroyed it.

The Illuminati grew increasingly more influential, but when a man called Chion, a person of "high birth" (i.e. a member of the Old World Order) was refused admission to the Order, he and a gang of thugs burned down the Illuminati's headquarters, killing most of the initiates.

As for Pythagoras' death, there are two theories. They agree that around 500 BC, there was an uprising against the Pythagoreans and the city of Croton was pillaged and burned. Pythagoras fled and was either caught and killed by rebels when he refused to cross a bean field, or managed to make his way to Metapontum (on the coast of Italy), where he took refuge in the Temple of the Muses and eventually died of starvation.

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Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem was known earlier in Mesopotamia, egypt and India. Whether Pythagoras himself proved this theorem is not known, as it was common in the ancient world to credit a famous teacher with the discoveries of his students. The earliest known mention of Pythagoras's name in connection with the theorem came five centuries after his death, in the writings of Cicero and Plutarch. The date of his death is not recorded in the annals of history.

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